Increasing BROADBAND Access & Building DIgital Equity; WEAVING OUR WEB DIGITAL EQUITY FUND
Weaving Our Web
To continue the NUIFC's mission to support of creating thriving urban Native America communities, we are proud to share the Weaving Our Web Digital Equity Fund (WOW), and its work to close the digital divide can be. This coalition of 15 urban Indian non-profits across 13 states working to educate our communities about different internet affordability options, improve people’s digital infrastructure, and develop relationships with other like-minded organizations.
We are proud to step into this space, as we know first-hand the disparity that so many urban Native communities face regarding digital equity. Access to digital spaces has quickly become a necessity in our modern world, meaning that if we want to truly support and help urban Native communities, digital equity needs to be at the forefront of the NUIFC's mission.
Since being launched in 2022, we are so thrilled about all we've accomplished.
While these statistics are grim, they help capture why the WoW Fund can make such an impact. Since being in launched in 2022, we are so thrilled about all its accomplished.
make an impact
Over the past two years, the WOW Fund helped accomplish the following:
8,800+ sign-ups for affordability programs across the cohort
80+ in-person Digital Connectivity programs, which helped people learn and sign up for different broadband programs
450,000+ people connected across social media channels about different digital equity initiatives
1,500+ devices distributed to the community (laptops, tablets, computers, etc.)
5 organizations created/renovated public computer spaces

“Native people require internet access and technology to live and thrive in a digitally connected world. We are incredibly proud of the fact that we can contribute to broadband access and digital literacy for urban Native communities”