NUIFC Announcement // NUIFC Launches Weaving Our Web Digital Equity Fund To Reach Urban Native Communities
The NUIFC Launches Weaving Our Web Digital Equity Fund To Reach Urban Native Communities
SEATTLE, WA — In response to long-standing digital inequities facing urban Native American communities across the country, the National Urban Indian Family Coalition has launched the Weaving Our Web Digital Equity Fund (WOW). This fund will support member organizations working on the frontlines to help close the digital divide by providing urban Native families and households with affordable broadband access, funding for new digital infrastructure, and growing their relationships with internet service providers. This initiative will help urban Native communities access targeted affordable internet programs such as Comcast’s Internet Essentials, the Affordability Connectivity Program, and other major programs which will provide families high-quality low-cost internet access which will help us all close the digital divide.
“Internet access has become a fundamental part of our daily lives. From accessing health care to attending school to engaging in a global market, Native people require internet access and technology to live and thrive in a digitally connected world. We are incredibly proud of the fact that we can contribute to broadband access and digital literacy for urban Native communities.”
The American Indian and Alaska Native population (AI/AN) faces the largest digital divide in the United States. Native people have the lowest computer ownership and broadband adoption rates of any racial/ethnic group. Based on the latest Census data, a quarter of all AI/AN households doesn’t have stable or broadband internet connectivity (U.S Census Bureau), creating significant educational, economic, and health barriers. These systemic inequities were brought to light and exacerbated by the pandemic as every sector, all public services, and community services shifted online to virtual spaces.
Despite representing over 70% of the total AI/AN population, urban Native people are one of the country's most underrepresented and underresourced populations. While billions of federal funds are being directed to expand broadband access to Tribal reservations and rural communities, urban Native communities are left without adequate resources to access internet connectivity and technology. The NUIFC recognizes that any effort to bridge the digital divide and move any metric for AI/AN people requires innovative solutions and culturally responsive resources to address the unique challenges facing the country's largest Native communities and the organizations that serve them.
The WOW fund will support 13 urban Native nonprofits in 13 different states. The organizations will work with their community to raise awareness about broadband programs accessible for all income levels. Engagement will help partner organizations better understand the technology needs of targeted communities and ultimately help grantees provide families and households with laptops, headphones, and hardware to navigate digital spaces and promote digital literacy.
"Internet access has become a fundamental part of our daily lives. From accessing health care to attending school to engaging in a global market, Native people require internet access and technology to live and thrive in a digitally connected world. We are incredibly proud of the fact that we can contribute to broadband access and digital literacy for urban Native communities," explains NUIFC Executive Director, Janeen Comenote.
To learn more about the Weaving our Web Digital Equity Fund, please contact the NUIFC's Director of Civic of Engagement, Rio Fernandes, at
About the National Urban Indian Family Coalition
Founded in 2003, the mission of the NUIFC is to elevate a national voice and sustain Indigenous values and culture through a strong network of urban Indian organizations. The goals of the NUIFC are to build a movement that promotes advocacy, enhances resources, and mobilizes systems to integrate Urban Indian issues in policy discussions and implementation and to sustain indigenous values and culture within urban communities. Learn more by visiting